Estrogen-Rich Foods: 10 Foods High in Estrogen

Unlike before, when only doctors and nutritionists were aware of the many substances that function in our body to keep us healthy, today, almost everyone has a decent understanding of what is required to live a healthy life.

As people become increasingly aware of how their body functions and their body’s needs, certain foods are becoming more popular.

People turn to certain food groups because of the health benefits they offer, whether that be an increase in vitamins and minerals, replacements for sugary foods and snacks, or boost levels of certain substances in the body.

This is why Phytoestrogens are becoming increasingly popular among women looking for natural ways to increase estrogen levels, particularly postmenopausal women prone to estrogen deficiency.

10 Foods That Boost Estrogen

There are certain phytoestrogen-rich foods that act in a similar manner as the estrogen that we naturally create in our bodies.

Eating these foods can help improve any deficiency that you may have regarding estrogen.

1) Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are found in pods present on the sesamum Indicum plant.

They are extremely small and packed full of oil. They are most commonly found to have a golden brown color and can be eaten as is or roasted.

These seeds are filled with high levels of fiber and give meals a nutty taste.

They are beneficial both as a phytoestrogen and also as a way to reduce cholesterol in the blood.

2) Flax Seeds


Flax seeds are incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of different dishes.

They give recipes a crunchy texture and impart a nutty flavor. These seeds are golden or brown in color and are small in size.

They are an incredibly rich source of lignans, the substance that gives these seeds their phytoestrogen abilities.

Although more research is needed, the results so far have shown that seeds are capable of reducing the occurrence of breast cancer in women who have gone through menopause.

3) Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables

This covers a wide group of vegetables.

This means that you choose from a wide range of vegetables and avoid the vegetables you dislike while still benefiting from their phytoestrogen effects.

These cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, arugula, collard greens, bok choy, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussel sprouts. Each of these vegetables is packed with phytoestrogens.

They all have similar effects on the body as estrogen.

They can be used to combat symptoms that accompany low estrogen values. These symptoms include headaches, bloating, and hair loss.

4) Soy

Soy Sauce

Soy is an incredibly rich source of isoflavones that function as phytoestrogens. There are numerous soy products available, and each product has phytoestrogenic properties.

Some soy products include edamame, soybeans, soy milk, and more.

Soy foods can be added to numerous recipes and can even replace meat products for vegetarians and vegans. Increasing your soy food intake is one way to combat the effects of low circulating estrogen in your body.

The isoflavones in soy lead to similar activities in the body as estrogen.

However, more research is needed into soy, and its effect on the body as some cases show a rise in estrogen while others show a decrease in the levels of estrogen in the body when consuming soy.

5) Garlic


Garlic is an herb that is used in all sorts of cuisines. It gives food a burst of flavor and spice.

Garlic has also been used in traditional medicine for a long time.

While more research is needed into garlic and its effect on the human body as a phytoestrogen, there have been animal studies conducted that show promise.

Many studies of garlic as a phytoestrogen in animals have shown that it boosts the levels of estrogen circulating in the bloodstream.

While a study done on the effects of garlic oil supplements on women who have gone through menopause showed that it has a positive effect on the health of bones.

6) Dried Fruits

Dried Fruits

Dried fruit is the dehydrated version of fruits such as apricots, dates, apples, raisins, prunes, and figs.

Dried fruits are a delicious and handy, healthy snack that you can have on the go.

These dried fruits are packed full of vitamins, minerals, and fibers.

Each one of these dried fruits is a rich source of phytoestrogens. They are beneficial in combating the effects of low estrogen in the blood due to hormonal disturbance or menopause.

7) Wheat Bran

Wheat Bran

Normally the wheat we get has the outer shell removed, which also makes the wheat less nutritious. Wheat bran is packed full of vitamins and minerals and is incredibly nutritious.

It is a plant source of phytoestrogen and acts like estrogen in the body.

Although there has not been enough research conducted into the effects of wheat bran’s phytoestrogen levels on the body, it is a rich source of phytoestrogens and could prove beneficial.

8) Peaches

Peach fruit

Peaches are medium-sized fruit, close to the size of an apple.

They are usually yellow-orange in color and have a fuzzy outer covering. They are sweet-tasting and can be eaten as is or made into juice, or added to a dessert.

This fruit is full of essential vitamins and minerals.

The phytoestrogen content in this fruit can prove effective in breast cancer survival in women who have gone through menopause.

9) Red Wine

red wine

You may be surprised to see wine on the list. It’s not every day you see alcohol added to a list of things that are beneficial for your health and wellbeing, but as it turns out, a little bit of red wine can be good for your estrogen levels.

Red wine contains high amounts of a substance known as resveratrol which is a phytoestrogen.

This phytoestrogen has been shown to improve cardiovascular health by reducing the accumulation of cholesterol.

10) Berries

Juniper berries

Berries have long been used in traditional medicines for their benefits.

Berries include blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and more. These berries are full of phytoestrogens that help to improve estrogen levels.

What Is Estrogens Role In The Body?

Estrogen is one of the sex hormones, it is a naturally occurring hormone in the body, in both males and females, but it is predominately present in the female body.

Estrogen levels begin to rise when a girl begins her menstrual cycle, the primary female sex hormone.

Estrogen produced in our bodies comes from fat tissues, adrenal glands, and the ovaries (in females).

The hormone levels of estrogen vary among everyone, especially in postmenopausal women and menstruating females.

Additionally, your estrogen levels are closely linked to your progesterone levels when it comes to menstruation.

Estrogen in the body is tightly regulated, and estrogen levels naturally fluctuate throughout a women’s life before dropping to very low levels in postmenopausal women.

This decrease in hormone levels is accompanied by menopausal symptoms.

These women then require hormone replacement therapy as estrogen has various other health benefits besides the regulation of menstruation.

Estrogen is essential for the development of your breasts, and it is also used in the weaning process to inhibit lactation.

Estrogen carries out numerous functions, and it is a vital aspect of bone health; it is capable of reducing the occurrence of cardiovascular disease and is even used in cognitive health.

There are different types of estrogen, such as estradiol, estrone, and estriol. These different forms have different effects on the body.

Hormonal imbalance of estradiol can lead to breast cancer risk as well as osteoporosis, depression, acne, and reduced libido.

While estrone is used to convert into other estrogen forms and estriol is used during pregnancy to support the growth of the uterus.

What Are The Signs Of Estrogen Deficiency?

The body usually maintains hormonal balance so that you do not have to face the effects of too much or too little estrogen in your system.

However, sometimes this is not possible, and you may feel the effects of low estrogen.

Numerous things can affect estrogen levels, from illnesses to medications which can lead to estrogen deficiency.

These symptoms are more commonly found in menopausal women and postmenopausal women than other women, but they can be found in premenopausal women and in men.

Low circulating estrogen levels can cause mood swings. You may find that you swing between different emotions rapidly.

One moment you may feel happy, the next angry and then sad, all without any proper reason.

Some people may experience depression and or anxiety from the lack of natural estrogen in their system.

They may also find themselves withdrawing from social gatherings. Some women may face amenorrhea (absent periods), hair loss, and insomnia.

Women going through menopause will experience menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, painful intercourse, decreased sex drive, and hair loss.

These symptoms are because the estrogen produced by the body is too low compared to estrogen production during reproductive development and the fertile period of women.

It is essential to boost estrogen to counteract these symptoms in this situation.

This can be done through synthetic estrogen, which can bind to an estrogen receptor in the same manner as the body’s own estrogen.

Another way to do this is through eating estrogen-rich foods, also known as dietary estrogen.

What Are The Signs Of Too Much Estrogen?

Just as too little estrogen can be harmful to the system, too much estrogen or estrogen dominance can also be harmful to your system.

The signs vary in males and females. In females, it leads to an increased risk of breast cancer.

It also causes issues such as bloating, lumps in the breast, headaches, sleep disturbances, and fatigue.

One symptom of estrogen overproduction is weight gain which can cause a vicious cycle to form.

We know that fatty tissue produces estrogen, weight gain leads to increased fat cells, which then increase estrogen synthesis, and the cycle continues.

In men, estrogen plays a number of roles that can be harmful to men’s health.

While estrogen is mainly a female-centric hormone, it is produced in small amounts in males. Excessive estrogen can lead to issues such as erectile dysfunction, infertility, and gynecomastia ( large breasts in males).

What Are Phytoestrogens?

Phytoestrogens are plant foods that resemble the estrogen compounds in the body and are capable of attaching to estrogen receptors.

Many academic research institutions are looking into these dietary estrogens and their potential health benefits.

These high estrogen foods are usually beneficial in improving health conditions that are caused due to low estrogen values.

However, there have been some clinical trials that show that some phytoestrogens have anti-estrogenic effects, i.e., they act as endocrine disruptors rather than improving the estrogen content.

What Are The Health Benefits of Foods With Estrogen?

The main reason to consume foods high in phytoestrogens or estrogen is to help support your health.

Eating these foods can help you lower the risks associated with decreasing estrogen that accompanies the end of menstruation in women or any other hormonal issue relating to estrogen.

These foods can support heart health, lower the risk of breast cancer, improve the strength of bones, and more.

These foods can help to relieve the symptoms that accompany menopause.

They can be used to decrease the occurrence of night sweats, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness.

Once menopause sets in, women are more prone to osteoporosis and weak bones due to the lower levels of estrogen.

Eating foods that contain high levels of phytoestrogens can be prevented. These foods improve the overall health of the bones and help them retain their density.

These foods can help you increase your intake of healthy fats and thereby help to lower cholesterol levels.

This prevents the formation of plaque in your arteries and leads to good cardiovascular health.

Another incredible benefit of phytoestrogens is their cancer prevention ability.

According to breast cancer research, phytoestrogens can play a great part in reducing the chances of breast cancer.

They can also reduce the chances of prostate cancer.


Estrogen is a vital hormone and is necessary to carry out various functions.

There are numerous options to choose from, and there is research conducted to show that they do work.

For people who have low estrogen levels and are looking to increase the amount in a natural way, phytoestrogen foods are the way to go.