Brock Lesnar’s Workout Routine, Gym, Training, & Diet

Brock Lesnar's workout

Brock Lesnar is a professional wrestler from the USA. He is also a football player and a mixed martial artist.  He was once a WWE universal champ.

At high school, he participated in amateur wrestling as well as in his senior year.

He came third in the state championships. In his sophomore year, he won the wrestling championship for the ‘National Junior College Athletic Association.’

He then went on to win the ‘National Collegiate Athletic Association’ (NCAA) ‘Division I’ heavyweight wrestling championship.

In 2000 he joined the WWE to become their youngest champ at the age of only 25.

In 2004, he put wrestling on hold so he could pursue a career in the ‘National Football League,’ signing up with the ‘Minnesota Vikings.’ He played a few pre-season games with them.

So WWE confirmed his departure, although they were sorry to lose him as they had invested heavily in him.

But Brock said he always wanted to play football and he didn’t want to turn 40 and still wonder if he would have made it in football.

“I’m as good an athlete as a lot of guys in the NFL, if not better… I’ve always had to fight for everything. I wasn’t the best technician in amateur wrestling. But I was strong, had great conditioning, and a hard head. Nobody could break me. As long as I have that, I don’t give a damn what anybody else thinks.”

Then in 2006, he joined K-1’s mixed martial arts league as well.

He made a cameo appearance in the sports crime drama movie, Foxcatcher, plus he has featured on the cover of many video games such as the likes of WWE SmackDown!, WWE 2K17, and UFC Undisputed 2010, etc.

In 2011, Brock retired from the world of MMA and returned to the WWE. Here he enjoyed a lucrative contract while working part-time.

It worked well for Brock, as he didn’t need to be quite as athletic as he was during the start of his career.

In 2006, he married Rena Greek and they had two sons; that’s apart from a previous relationship where he became the father of twins – a boy and a girl.

Brock Lesnar is known as one of the best professional wrestlers to come from an amateur background. He is most remembered for his work in the WWE – showing how great he was as an amateur.

We haven’t heard much of Brock in 2020 and 2021. In fact, the last he was heard of was when he lost the WWE Championship to Drew McIntyre. And also that his contract had expired.

Fans have been wondering when they can expect to see Brock again – well, it might be soon.

After all, he has to beat the man who beat him in 2020, doesn’t he – Drew McIntyre. Let’s wait and see!

Brock and Rena, better known as Sable, a former professional wrestler, live in Saskatchewan, a province in Western Canada.

Current Stats

  • Age: 44-years old
  • Weight: 130 kg. /286 lbs.
  • Birthday: 12 July 1977
  • Birthplace: Webster, South Dakota, United States

Brock has an awesome career history in wrestling and martial arts too.

He is the only person to hold world heavyweight championships in WWE, UFC, and the NCAA.

He won a national champion in 2000 when he competed in amateur wrestling for the University of Minnesota. Check out his fantastic wins and awards here.

Workout Principles of Brock Lesnar

Brock focuses on heavy weight lifting to be the wrestler he is.

When he was growing up on a farm in his youth, he would make use of equipment on the farm for his workouts.

Farm life created the basis of strong work principles for Brock. He learned from young already what it was to work hard, being up early every morning to complete his chores.

From a young age, the workout principles that he created were his unconventional routine to build power, strength, and speed.

The land that he loved and the equipment he used were the tools that sculpted his body; to help him rise to the top of the wrestling world.

He learned the importance of diet, exercise, and supplementation.

Brock Lesnar’s Training Methods

Brock Lesnar grew up in the South Dakota countryside. He didn’t have access to gym equipment to train with.

But he learned to be agile, using farm equipment to become strong and to grow his physique.

His training methods to get fit were to play football and also to participate in amateur wrestling.

He became a collegiate champion (NJCAA Heavyweight Champion) when he joined Bismarck State College in his sophomore year. 

His training methods in the gym were so intense that it required a high-calorie intake and a gallon of water a day with electrolytes.

Where he lives now in very rural Saskatchewan, he pursues his intense workouts without too much interference from other people.

Brock Lesnar’s Workout Routine

Check his MMA workout routine here

Monday – Chest and Triceps

  • ‘Medium-grip barbell bench press – sets: 6, reps: 12’
  • ‘Incline bench dumbbell press – sets: 4, reps: 10’
  • ‘Flat bench dumbbell fly – sets: 3, reps: 10’
  • ‘Cable crossover – sets: 3, reps: 10’
  • ‘Triceps dips – sets: 4, reps: 10s’
  • ‘Triceps pushdown – sets: 4, reps: 10’
  • ‘Lying triceps extension – sets: 3, reps: 10’

Tuesday – Back and Biceps

  • ‘Wide-grip, medium-grip, narrow grip pull-ups – sets: 4, reps: 6’
  • ‘Cable seated rows – sets: 4, reps: 6’
  • ‘Barbell stiff-legged deadlift – sets: 4, reps: 6’
  • ‘Deadlift – sets: 4, reps: 6’
  • ‘Preacher curl with EZ bar – sets: 4, reps: 12’
  • ‘Hammer curls – sets: 3, reps: 10’
  • ‘Incline bench dumbbell curl – sets: 4, reps: 6’

Wednesday – Rest  

Thursday – Shoulders

  • ‘Seated military press – sets: 4, reps: 10’
  • ‘Dumbbell seated press – sets: 3, reps: 10’
  • ‘Front dumbbell raise – sets: 3, reps: 10’
  • ‘Lateral side raise – sets: 3, reps: 10’
  • ‘Upright row using Smith Machine – sets: 4, reps: 6’
  • ‘Barbell shrug – sets: 4, reps: 6’ 

Friday – Legs

  • ‘Leg extensions – sets: 3, reps: 10’
  • ‘Leg curls – sets: 3, reps: 10’
  • ‘Smith machine squats with narrow-, medium-, and wide-stance – sets: 4, reps: 6’
  • ‘Leg press – sets: 4, reps: 6’
  • ‘Barbell stiff-legged deadlift – sets: 4, reps: 6’

Saturday – Rest

Sunday – Rest

Brock Lesnar’s Diet Plan

These are his diet secrets

Meal 1

  • 10 oz. cod
  • 2 cups oatmeal
  • 2 whole eggs

Meal 2

  • 8 oz. cod
  • 12 oz. sweet potato
  • 1 cup veggies

Meal 3

  • 8 oz. chicken
  • 1 cup veggies
  • 2 cups white rice

Meal 4

  • 8 oz. cod
  • 1 cup veggies
  • 2 cups rice
  • 1 tbsp. fish oil
  • 8 oz. steak
  • 12 oz. baked potato
  • Spinach salad

Meal 5

  • 10 oz. cod
  • 2 cups rice
  • Salad
  • 30 grams casein protein
  • 10 egg-white omelet
  • 1 cup veggies (onions, peppers, mushrooms)
  • 1 tbsp. omega-3 fish oil

Brock Lesnar used to eat huge amounts of protein.

But in 2009, he was diagnosed with diverticulitis. He was told to make serious changes to his diet. He was quite ill at this time.

He started to add more greens and to eat less meat.

That enabled him to get more fiber in his diet. It was because of lack of fiber in his diet that eventually caused his intestines to rupture, and he lost a lot of weight, dropping down to 248 pounds during this period.

He says, “I totally changed my diet, got on some natural healing medicine, and was just doing a lot of praying.” 

His new lifestyle and way of eating proved successful because in 2010 he was crowned the undisputed heavyweight champion.

Paul Heyman, who is Brock’s long-time friend, says of Brock, “When we go to a steakhouse, it’s usually 2 or 3 porterhouses, some vegetables because he now mixes it up, a small number of complex carbs and a lot of water.”  

With this new well-balanced diet in place, Brock became almost unstoppable in his career.

Brock Lesnar’s Supplements

  • He has protein powder after his workouts and training. This speeds up recovery after exercise by reducing damage to the muscle and also improving muscle performance.
  • He also uses creatine monohydrate to increase his endurance. It speeds up muscle growth and supports a lot of other functions in the muscles.
  • He drinks a gallon of water with electrolytes Electrolytes maintain the fluid balance in the body. You lose a lot of electrolytes through sweating and they need to be replaced to perform at your utmost best.

Brock Lesnar’s Noteworthy Recommendations

‘Brock Lesnar’s greatest strength is not physical’

That’s what a great athlete Brock Lesner is; his mentality and acceptance of instruction are noteworthy recommendations.

He understands that there is no man that can simply just use his strength and size and like a bull in a China shop – just take over a sport. It doesn’t work like that.

He has learned incredible physical gifts that have been channeled, directed, refined, implemented, and produced in a smart game plan.

Brock brings the tools to the table. But he realizes, too, that it’s the advisors and trainers on the team at UFC that make up “Team Lesnar.”

It is Brock’s willingness to listen to them, put their wisdom to use – that’s what has led him to his victories.

“When I don’t know something, I surround myself with people I can trust to teach me”Brock Lesnar