Does Medicare Cover Diabetes Supplies?

Medicare Part B and D offer coverage for diabetes supplies in different ways. Medicare Part D covers diabetes supplies you use to inhale or inject insulin. However, you must enroll in Medicare drug plan to get the supplies covered. You will get anti-diabetic drugs that help maintain blood sugar.

Different types of insulin are available under the Part D Senior Savings model. There is no deductible for insulin, even if you get extra. This applies to everyone who uses insulin; it’s meant to help those with limited income.

They also cover other supplies affected persons use to administer insulin, like alcohol swabs, needles, gauze, syringes, and inhaled insulin devices. Part D mainly deals with supplies and medications necessary to manage diabetes at home.

Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B takes care of preventative services for those affected by diabetes.

You will also access a home blood sugar monitor and other supplies you use with the equipment.

These include lancets, sugar test strips, and lancet devices. Glucose control solutions you use to determine the accuracy of the test strips and equipment are also included. If you require a special monitor due to vision issues, ensure your doctor explains in the prescription.

You should know that the amount of supplies covered in Medicare Part B varies depending on whether or not you use insulin. If you don’t use insulin, you will get 100 lancets and 100 test strips every three months.

The number goes up to 300 for those who use insulin.

If your doctor says it’s necessary or you meet other requirements, you will get additional lancets and strips.

They will need you to record how often you test yourself to determine eligibility. Medicare also uses certain criteria under Part B to cover continuous glucose monitors.

Also, if you have Medicare Part B and meet certain conditions, they might cover therapeutic shoes. Sometimes your doctor may also prescribe an insulin pump that Medicare will cover.

Besides the supplies, Part B caters to services like training that helps maintain, prevent or detect diabetes.

Depending on what your doctor orders, you can also go for screening, tests, or nutrition therapy services.

If you are at risk of diabetes, such services can help you detect it early and find ways to deal with the condition.

How to Get Refills

Remember that you must ask for refills for the diabetes supplies.

Nothing is automated; you must be prompt when requesting refills to ensure you don’t lack the necessary supplies. You can use a pharmacy to order and pick up the refills. The doctor will prescribe what you need but can’t place the order for you.

You must use a supplier or pharmacy that is enrolled in Medicare. It’s important because if you use a pharmacy that is not enrolled, Medicare will not pay. They also won’t cover the costs of any supplies that you didn’t ask for.

You won’t pay more than the coinsurance amount if you get the supplies from a supplier or pharmacy that accepts assignments.

If your pharmacy doesn’t accept assignments, your costs might be higher, so it’s important to go with the right supplier.

Replacing Damaged or Lost Supplies and Equipment

If the original Medicare already paid for diabetes supplies and other medical equipment like a walker or wheelchair, they can cover repair or replacement costs.

If it’s an emergency or disaster, they can help you access new supplies.

Medicare can even cover the costs for rentals if the equipment is being repaired.

Who Is Eligible?

For you to be eligible, a doctor has to certify that you have diabetes and you require these supplies and medical materials. Your overall health will determine the supplies you require to manage the condition at home. Y

ou aren’t eligible for anything without a prescription from your doctor. There are a few things the prescription should indicate.

For example, the doctor has to specify if you use insulin and how often you test your blood sugar. It makes it easy to determine the type of supplies you require per month.

The amount of supply and type of cover you use determines what you pay. Get help comparing Medicare plans and costs to determine which suits your needs best.

Supplies Not Covered By Medicare

Many of your diabetic needs will be covered if you are part of the Medicare scheme.

However, there are still services and supplies that aren’t covered. Things like eyeglasses and orthopedic shoes will not be covered.

Cosmetic surgery is also not included. Essentials are mostly provided depending on which type of Medicare plan you use. What is excluded is very minimal.

Final Thoughts

Many people have diabetes, and the costs of managing the condition can quickly escalate. Medicare Part B and D can help you minimize the costs of diabetes supplies.

These include drugs and equipment necessary for home treatment.

You can also access other services, including screenings, tests, and yearly wellness checks.

All these supplies go a long way in ensuring you improve your quality of life. Ensure you understand the amount of coverage Medicare offers before you enroll.