Man boobs, medically termed gynecomastia, is a common health condition that affects men worldwide.
According to a study by medical doctors from Turkey, the prevalence rate of this male breasts condition is reported to be around 32-65%
Although gynecomastia resolves on its own, many individuals may feel the discomfort and lose their self-esteem or confidence.
In this article, you will be able to understand what causes the development of male breasts and the possible safe and effective treatment options on how to get rid of gynecomastia.
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Getting Rid of Gynecomastia With & Without Surgery
Let’s get started by talking about the causes of male breasts…
Causes of Gynecomastia
Take note that having these “moobs” or experiencing breast growth is caused by different factors.
Although this enlarged breasts condition is considered benign or non-cancerous, its appearance may be due to the following causes:
1) Hormonal Imbalances
One main possible cause of enlarged breast tissue is imbalanced hormone levels.
The hormone estrogen is dominant in female individuals However, men who experience hormonal changes may acquire more estrogen than androgen.
Furthermore, even newborns may be at risk of having gynecomastia because they may get high estrogen levels from their mothers by allowing the hormone to pass into the placenta.
According to the study, newborns who experience this condition may have it for up to 6 months and it will usually go away on its own.
In another study published in the Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, this hormonal imbalance usually occurs during puberty, and this male breast development can be called pubertal gynecomastia.
Moreover, when checking if you think you have fatty breasts caused by hormonal imbalances, consider knowing your family history of gynecomastia.
2) Obesity and Overweight
Being obese and overweight is also one of the culprits responsible for gynecomastia.
The risk of having male breast enlargement increases when the Body Mass Index (BMI) of a patient increases.
3) Health Conditions
Certain health conditions such as liver and kidney failures may cause excess tissue in the chest area.
According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, when a patient has liver and kidney problems, his production of testosterone is lower than usual.
Eventually, low production of T-levels may induce gynecomastia.
4) Aging
According to the study of medical doctors from Minnesota, gynecomastia has a prevalence rate of 70% in patients aged 50-69 years old.
This rate is high because as you age, your testosterone levels will start to decline.
Again, a decline in T-levels may lead to gynecomastia.
5) Medications
Certain medications may also be considered as one of the causes of excess tissue in the chest area.
According to a study published in the Journal of Steroids and Hormonal Science, 10-25% of patients who take anabolic steroids and illegal drugs may be at risk of having fat deposits in the breasts.
6) Alcohol Intake
According to a study published in the Journal of Breast Cancer, alcohol intake increases your calories.
Eventually, when you have calories, you will get fat depositions and additional fatty tissues all around your body, including in your chest.
Therefore, reducing alcohol intake would help you lose weight and prevent you from accumulating excess fat tissue.
Male Breast Reduction Without Surgery
Patients who experience the discomfort of true gynecomastia may dive into using non-surgical options.
Some of the non-surgical treatments include:
1) Diet
Since being obese or being overweight causes moobs, considering a strict calorie deficit diet could be one of the non-surgical treatments.
According to a study published in a peer-reviewed journal called Aging Cell, using a caloric deficit diet is an effective method of increasing testosterone levels.
When T-levels are increased, gynecomastia can be reduced.
Take note that a proper diet is helpful in losing weight.
2) Exercise
Exercising helps you in losing weight, you get to burn some body fat, including the ones in your chest.
According to a study by medical doctors from Japan, exercises such as bench press can not only strengthen your muscles but also turn your chest fat into a masculine chest.
Moreover, you may want to consider enrolling in a weight loss program for faster burning of fat.
3) Hormone Treatments
Another effective way of reducing and preventing male breast enlargement is by considering hormone supplements.
Usually, these hormone treatments are called testosterone pills, testosterone hormone replacement, and testosterone therapy.
According to a study by a medical doctor from New York, this treatment called testosterone supplementation works by increasing the testosterone levels of a patient.
Furthermore, they have appetite-suppression properties that help you prevent weight gain.
As you take these supplements, you will also feel reduced anxiety.
Surgical Treatment: Male Breast Reduction Surgery
If none of the non-surgical approaches work for you, it may be time for you to consider a surgical technique.
Gynecomastia surgery or male breast reduction includes surgical removal of excess breast tissue, and sometimes, surgeons do this as an outpatient procedure.
Moreover, this plastic surgery produces very minimal scarring especially when you apply post-operative care.
According to a study by medical doctors from Sweden, this cosmetic procedure may be quite expensive and invasive but is the fastest way to remove gynecomastia, especially for those with severe cases or a BMI of over 25.
Final Thoughts
Indeed, having a gynecomastia condition is quite disturbing especially for those with confidence issues.
However, there is no need to worry as treatments are available in the medical health industry today. There are various treatments to reduce the excess skin in your chest: non-surgical and surgical treatments.
If patients would like to consider doing a home testosterone therapy, considering the non-surgical one is a great option.
Furthermore, for patients who want to receive a fast breast tissue reduction, a gynecomastia surgery procedure would work better as it offers permanent results.
Either of the two, it is always advised to consult a medical professional in order to have an idea of what is the treatment for your current health.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can excess fat on the chest go away with exercise?
Yes, exercising is a non-surgical way to reduce gynecomastia. It can also lead to weight loss because you get to reduce the excess fat on your chest.
What is the fastest way to reduce the excess male breast tissue?
There are different ways to reduce excess breast tissue such as testosterone supplementation, a healthy diet, exercise, and surgical treatment. However, only gynecomastia surgery, called reduction mammaplasty, is the only option considered the fastest way to get rid of gynecomastia.
How do I reduce gyno glandular tissue naturally?
To reduce gynecomastia glandular tissue naturally, it is advised to consider doing home remedies such as proper diet, regular exercise and using testosterone supplements. Although these are considered a non-surgical way to get rid of moobs, they are said to be effective as they all lead to weight loss.
How can you diagnose gynecomastia?
Patients who want to confirm if they have gynecomastia may consider undergoing different diagnostic tests such as blood tests, urine tests, mammograms, and breast tissue biopsy.
Is untreated gynecomastia dangerous?
Generally, having man boobs is not considered a major issue. However, when patients experience unexplainable pain, the gynecomastia condition may be a sign of an underlying health condition.
Therefore, as soon as you start to notice that you are having an excess or enlargement of your breast tissue, immediately seek medical care in order to avoid dangerous health events.