HerSolution Review – Ingredients, Side Effects, & Customer Reviews

HerSolution review

Welcome to my honest review of HerSolution pills and gel…

Feeling the dreaded gap everywhere you look – in your relationship, partner, bed, youthfulness, energy, and satisfaction levels?

Believe me when I say this – you are not alone.

No woman is the only one facing problems of waning desire, increasing dryness and irritation, decreasing libido, feelings of guilt, and much more.

It is just how female bodies are built, and inevitable aging and hormonal imbalances do not help.

Does that mean our partners and we are doomed to widening chasms in our relationship?

No, ladies, no way!

I have been there and done that, and you can take it from me that there are reliable and effective solutions available to address this need.

I am here to share with readers my experience with HerSolution and how it helped me bridge all sorts of gaps.

HerSolution Review – All You Need to Know

hersolution gel and pill

What is HerSolution?

HerSolution is a wonderful combination of naturally available components that increases sex drive and libido in women, and it’s known as one of the best enhancement supplements.

It addresses various chemical and hormonal imbalances in a female body resulting from menopause and lifestyle changes.

That it does all of this with no synthetically manufactured ingredients is a big plus in its favor.

Who created HerSolution?

HerSolution was created by one of the market leaders in the health supplement industry, Leading Edge Health Inc.

This company has created its niche in the natural healthcare products industry with its unique formulations that help address different problems in men and women beyond their youthful years.

Why was HerSolution created?

Someone somewhere with a thought to provide every ‘her’ a solution to problems originating from aging issues (lack of libido, lubrication, among others) went on to formulate HerSolution.

Problems such as decreased sex drive and vaginal lubrication are faced by every woman approaching menopause and after.

This does not mean the end of the road.

However, the lack of mutual satisfaction increases the distance between couples, making them resort to medical solutions or move apart.

Using medicines manufactured synthetically in labs is not preferred by many people.

A safe supplement created from natural ingredients is a boon for several women in this position.

This is the place that Leading Edge Health has chosen to fill up.

It has come up with HerSolution to address these intimate needs of aging women.

How do lifestyle and menopause affect female sexual desire? How can HerSolution help?

All of us are running, and that too all the time.

We seem to be in an eternal and invisible race.

There is never enough time and always too much to do.

Time zones are blurring and eating into our ‘us time with work going global.

Alarmingly greater numbers are feeling more stressed and have a decreased desire to indulge in some pillow talk.

This routine regularly leads to a lack of proper nutrition, sleep, and restfulness, leading to premature aging and irritability.

Along with hectic lifestyles, there are the ravages of hormonal imbalances that women suffer.

These changes cause havoc with women’s well-being.

They are brought on by various factors ranging from menopause to unhealthy lifestyles and the consumption of synthetic estrogens.

The net result is that there is little left of a healthy way of life, neither in the physical aspect of proper food, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and regular exercise nor on the chemical front with hormones running amok.

This is the chaos most women find themselves in at some point in their lives.

This is where HerSolution steps in to effectively help restore equilibrium in the body, correcting hormone imbalances.

Using natural ingredients, combining aphrodisiacs and libido boosters can help to effectively pep up activity between the sheets with zero side effects.

HerSolution supplement with its unique formulation works steadily and naturally to show the maximum effect.

HerSolution Ingredients?

HerSolution contains a potent blend of naturally occurring aphrodisiacs, herbs, and nutrients.

The following are the natural ingredients present in the supplement:

1) Niacin

Among its many benefits, avocado contains niacin.

This helps with heightened sensation and increased blood flow to the genital regions.

It acts as a vasodilator in the body.

There is increased production of sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

2) Hops Extract


Flower extracts of this plant are beneficial in balancing estrogen amounts in the female body.

It also provides relief to vaginal dryness.

Because of its calming properties, it has long been used as a treatment for insomnia.

3) Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba

This is a name common in natural health supplements many people use as an alternative to prescription medicines.

It has been a staple in many Chinese formulations to increase libido and blood flow.

It aids in countering the effects of menopause.

It also improves the quality of sex by helping orgasm.

Some studies suggest that it may also help to eliminate free radicals from the body and help in maintaining youthfulness.

4) Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna Pruriens

Extracted from the seeds of this plant, it supplies L-Dopa from natural sources.

This very naturally triggers the production of the ‘happy’ chemical, dopamine.

This, in turn, helps the user stay in a serene mental state.

4) Epimedium Sagitattum

Horny goats weed

The component is extracted from the leaves of this plant.

It has 40% Icariins.

Humans have used it since ancient times.

This herb is renowned for its aphrodisiacal properties. It boosts libido and enhances desire in women.

It is also known to improve kidney, liver, and joint disorders.

Users experience more energy from HerSolution usage partly due to this component. libido pills

5) Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper

It provides vital vaginal lubrication essential for a better quality of sex.

The presence of this element also promotes intense orgasms.

6) Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris is another ingredient of HerSolution, a known name among people using health supplements.

This product is known for its properties as a libido booster.

It finds use in increasing testosterone levels by natural means. It also helps to keep the urinary tract healthy.


It has been found that women who have high sex drive have high DHEA levels.

The presence of DHEA in HerSolution helps to boost total serum testosterone levels (within permissible limits) for women to experience a surge in their sex drive.

Other ingredients found in HerSolution include melatonin, cellulose, vegetable stearate, croscarmellose sodium, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, dicalcium phosphate, and horny goat weed.

These pills also contain FD&C blue lake #1 and FD&C red #3.

How do HerSolution Pills help the user?

HerSolution is a libido enhancer product for women that seems to have stood the test of time.

It shows results very fast, with some users reporting results as early as a week of use.

Listed below are how women feel positivity and change in themselves:

  • Less painful and more regular periods.
  • Better control over mood swings and less irritability.
  • Surging blood flow to vessels surrounding the genital region.
  • Increased sexual desire due to the dilation of blood vessels.
  • A marked increase in vaginal lubrication.
  • Increased energy and vitality also reduce menopause symptoms.
  • More intense and sustained orgasms.
  • Relaxes the user and sets the mood for a more pleasurable engagement with their partner.
  • Heightened sensations in the vaginal region.
  • Lesser hot flashes and ensuring discomfort.

In what way can we maximize the effects of Her Solution?

While it is okay to have a ready-to-pop solution to one of the most common female problems, there must be some things women can do to make this phase easier.

I am listing some suggestions:

1) Acceptance

Menopause is a fact of life.

Accepting this will make coping that much easier than fretting or fighting it.

Talking about the likely problems this can create for physical relationships with your partner/spouse will also help them be more prepared to handle the situation.

2) Healthy lifestyle

There are positives to reaching menopause and being able to tell the tale.

It means having weathered the rough and tumble of growing up, loving and living through everything.

However, most women tend to neglect their health in their youth.

This results in a lack of balance in their metaphysical attributes when they reach menopause.

3) Regular exercise

At this phase of life, it is time to gradually slow down and let life take its course.

A more relaxed mental frame of mind and suitable exercises will help in the pursuit of overall health.

Remember that exercise releases dopamine, the happiness chemical.

Choosing the right regimen will help keep the mind and body together.

4) Use of HerSolution Gel

Created by Leading Edge Health as a supplement to HerSolution pills, one may use this to apply directly to the vaginal region to provide instant arousal and lubrication.

Being from the same company, it adheres to the same safety and legal guidelines as its other products.

This means the topical gel may be used without fear of side effects to experience wonderful sex.

Who should not use HerSolution?

  • Anyone who might have an allergy to any of the ingredients.
  • Persons below the age of 18.
  • Those with pre-existing health conditions should use this product only in consultation with their physician.
  • Pregnant or lactating women.

What I did not like about HerSolution?

  • The libido enhancement pill is only available online.
  • It does not have free shipping across the board.
  • It gives refunds for one order per customer.
  • It does not refund for unopened boxes.

HerSolution Reviews From Customers

It is heartening to read user accounts of women who have been able to reclaim pleasure in their sexual encounters after using the supplement.

“I was skeptical about trying out a supplement to better my sex life and increased sexual desire. But I am so glad I did. Man, does it work! It has given me a part of my youth back.” – Jean McGregor from Boston, US

“I had given up having sex because I was so dry down there, it hurt. Not only has that been taken care, I am ready for more. Thank you HerSolution.” – Evelyn Grady from Colorado

I read through multiple websites for many days looking for real user testimonials.

To my delight, I came upon many women who were extremely happy with the effects of HerSolution on their physical relationship status.

I have since recommended the same to many of my girlfriends, and we are indeed a very happy bunch now.

What I liked about HerSolution

  • First and foremost, it is completely safe, natural, and legal – made from natural ingredients.
  • HerSolution supplement is extremely effective in addressing problems of decreased libido and increased vaginal dryness in women and promotes estrogen production.
  • Her Solution libido enhancement pill begins to show effect within a month of consumption.
  • HerSolution formula is an easy-to-use pill form and helps stimulate your sex drive.
  • There is a 67-day no-questions-asked refund policy minus shipping charges.
  • The website is secure for online payments.
  • There is 24/7 customer support for any queries on products.
  • It is a supplement from the market leader in health supplements, Leading Edge Health Ltd.
  • HerSolution has been recommended and endorsed by physicians.
  • The product is manufactured under strict monitoring at cGMP-certified facilities.

What was most convincing for me was that this product came with doctors’ recommendations and was found mentioned in TV health shows.

This was the validation I needed to take the plunge.

Undoubtedly, it is one of the best sex enhancement pills for women.

Insider Information on HerSolution

There is a 67-day window for returning products, but this applies only to unopened boxes.

If there is a change of mind or second thoughts about using this, make sure to ship the entire 2-month package that was purchased initially…intact and unopened, to the designated address.

There is a bit of fine print in the refund policy that needs to be understood to avail of the refund offer.

Buying Advice

Go on to the website and check out products and terms for free shipping.

Not all items qualify for free shipping within or outside the US.

There are more discounts on bulk purchases at times, which will balance out the shipping charges in such cases.

Buying the formula directly from the website is also cheaper for the user since middlemen are not involved.

I advise sticking to the original website and buying in bulk to avail of the best offers.

Checking the website regularly helps avail the best deals.

There are bonus offers that give out HerSolution Gel free on certain orders.

My Verdict on HerSolution

I am writing this review on HerSolution as documentation of my personal experience.

As I said at the beginning, it seems to be the best solution to address the gaps that might have insidiously crept into relationships.

I am at a high right now because I feel great and can give and derive maximum pleasure from my partner.

Who would not want to be in this position with a product that has a tested safety record over a long period!

And it is not my word against anybody else’s – this product is endorsed by doctors too.

Frequently Asked Questions about HerSolution (FAQs)

Is HerSolution safe?

Like every other product from Leading Edge Health, HerSolution is completely safe and legal to use.

How do you use HerSolution gel and pills?

Take one supplement a day and see the results unfold.

The normal package comes with 60 pills which are 2 months’ worth of supply. It is in pill form for oral consumption.